TAP Zinc finger, ZPR1 in Spirogyra sp.

Full lineage¹: cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Zygnemophyceae; Zygnematophycidae; Zygnematales; Zygnemataceae; Spirogyra; unclassified Spirogyra

Protein source: Delaux et al. (2015) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112:13390-5

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c0_seq1_2_rccomp9960_c0_seq1_2 [1965 - 463] (REVERSE SENSE) len=1965 path=[1:0-111 4968:112-112 113:113-428 4536:429-429 429:430-955 955:956-1024 1024:1025-1089 1089:1090-1834 5087:1835-1835 1835:1836-1964]
c0_seq2_1_rccomp9960_c0_seq2_1 [1099 - 164] (REVERSE SENSE) len=1099 path=[4537:0-66 1024:67-131 4011:132-223 1089:224-968 5087:969-969 1835:970-1098]
c0_seq3_1_rccomp9960_c0_seq3_1 [976 - 164] (REVERSE SENSE) len=1053 path=[4537:0-66 1024:67-131 4011:132-223 1089:224-968 5087:969-969 4777:970-1052]
c0_seq4_2_rccomp9960_c0_seq4_2 [1017 - 463] (REVERSE SENSE) len=1018 path=[1:0-111 4968:112-112 113:113-428 4536:429-429 429:430-955 4406:956-1017]
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A list of species letter codes included in the protein names can be found here (opens in new tab).

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¹ Information recieved using NCBI E-utilities and NCBI taxonomy database.